

This category contains 62 posts

Tripping Out

Self-contentment can only come from one place – ME! There’s so much joy I can bring to myself by doing for others and by so doing indirectly lift my quality of life…. The saying, “What you put in is what you get back” could never be better said. When I look back at 2017, I … Continue reading

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God is Pure in Thought, Intent and Motive. How about Us?

I may not be able to quote scriptures or pray like most of my church associates. I may not go to church three times a week. But what I do know is that the genuine work of the most high is tested outside of the church, apart from thanking him and praying every day. Praying and going … Continue reading

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Caring & Sharing

Many years ago I was interviewed by one of my country’s national newspaper and I remembered one of the questions they asked, “Where would you like to take your music and how far would you go with it?” My answer was clear and precise, “I want to take it to other parts of the world … Continue reading

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Made my New Year’s Resolutions, Have You?

Getting out of debt and losing weight are two of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions but for some it’s also about self improvement and trying to be a better individual. Today, there are so many books on positive thinking, from A to Z you name it and it is out there to help those … Continue reading

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Age is but a State of Mind….

Imagine that most of your life you had everything.Your own business, a great life, you never had to think twice to travel anywhere in the world or eat at the finest of restaurants.Then, one day, you lost all those privileges at the ripe old age of 81.What would you do? Here is a true story … Continue reading

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What goes around comes around….

My passion and love for others as far as I remember came naturally. I have always tried to be generous, not to judge and have always left an open window for cultivating my friendships. Little did I know that having such an attitude would bring me so many amazing friendships during my lifetime. I have … Continue reading

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Well, the time has come!

Hillary Sargeant Defying all Boundaries with FANGA!


I started out at the renowned Walters school of music and the prestigious Southernaires Choir in my home town of San- Fernando in Trinidad &Tobago.

I’ve made in my musical journey from classic to jazz, pop, fusion and now my own which I call Fanga-Music, it translates “power music, power rhythms, power words” connecting to no genre of music yet influenced by all and the soul and the spirit of who I am and the rawness of talent that I have been blessed with. 

After working and pruning my love for music I’ve gotten an opportunity to showcase myself to the arena of music lovers. At first I turned it down because of foreseen circumstances, but the truth of the matter it was more out of fear. My publisher and others insisted that this is an opportunity that should be taken seriously and giving up should not be an option.

I began putting it in motion and I’m happy that my pride did not get the better of me. I started my campaign together with my right hand woman, Resa. Between us and with some advice from others we began to raise funds for my showcase. How wonderful it is to know that people do care and know the importance of one’s long life challenge and the sense of its purpose.

I feel indebted to all who took their hard earn cash and invested it in my talent giving me an opportunity to go out there and share to the world of music lovers “My Fanga! “

I promise each and every one of you I will represent you the way you represented me with pure heart and delight in all its glory. 

Thank You and FANGA to you all!


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The Real Deal of Overdraft Debt

So Pesach is over, the feasting and merriment has come to an end, and our shopping and spending extravaganza has now pushed our overdraft over its limit. Hmmmm….sticky situation won’t you agree? I’m sure you can remember when you opened that bank account and received your first salary how nice it was to sign on … Continue reading

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Plastic Debt

Israeli population: 7.6 million No. of persons eligible for a credit card: 5.4 million No. of Credit Cards in circulation: 6 million Total Credit Card Debt: NIS 9.1 billion Translated, this means that the average adult owns at least 1 credit card and at least 10% of them own more than 1 credit card. If … Continue reading

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An Immigrant’s Financial Woe

Recently it was reported that the Credit Card Debt in Israel in 2011 was NIS 9.1 billion. Upon reading this I realized that I myself contributed NIS 20,000 to this ghastly amount. Imagine that! This realization immediately sent me into a frenzy of analyzing myself and the role I played in helping my bank achieve its magnanimous … Continue reading

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