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God is Pure in Thought, Intent and Motive. How about Us?

I may not be able to quote scriptures or pray like most of my church associates. I may not go to church three times a week. But what I do know is that the genuine work of the most high is tested outside of the church, apart from thanking him and praying every day.

Praying and going to church is very important and this I do not debate. However, as Christians we keep forgetting there’s a bigger role to play. We are called to portray the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are the observable behaviors of people who have allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit to be effective in them.

The twelve fruits are; charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, Self-control and chastity.

This, I believe, when applied will help mold us, bringing us closer to integrity and character like the Disciples of Christ. Therefore when you are ordained, standing on the pulpit you are there to empower, to enlighten, to inspire others and make the balance of truth, life, and all there is.

The truth will not only reveal new aspects about God but it will also open new insights, wisdom and revelations about life, self and others around you. The way you perceive things will change because the Creator changes all who choose to follow him. This will happen because you are being transformed into HIS likeness.

God’s word tells us there is more to just believing that God “is”. Being comfortable or being at ease can be a major deception hence the reason we need to be careful about religion. Often times we misuse religion as a Band-Aid and can be far from walking in the integrity of Christ. We were born in sin, with the knowledge of the truth we as Christians should be able to love, forgive and respect with abundance and openly without thought.

Jeremiah 18:15 says; some roads in this life lead people down paths that may wish they had never taken. It is important for even though you are born again you better be careful the path you take because you are the example others may follow.

My friends my topic today may seem strange, nevertheless, it has been in my thoughts since there was a discussion on integrity at Shabbat school a few weeks ago about integrity in Christ. If you have any thought on this subject, I beg of you to express yourself freely. I promise there will be no judgment. One of the laws of Fanga.

God is Pure in thought, intent and motive. How about Us?

About hsfanga

As a prolific vocalist I have spent many years crafting and developing my talent to reach my present point. Although I still have a long way to go I am truly grateful for the energies and blessings that the universe has poured into my life. And despite all the difficulties and challenges faced I am excited to share this journey with you....FANGA!


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